During our January 17th Meeting, PMB Rotary presented a check for $14627.00 to Dr Brianna Parsons and Dr Corey Spies for the Gambia Goat Dairy Project. The check was for a Rotary District 7450 Grant. Several clubs as well as private donations funded the project. Pictured are Dr Carla Chieffo (PMB Rotary Club), Bonnie Korengel (Longwood Rotary Club), May Lou Stockton (Upper Main Line Rotary Club) and Mike Alofsin (Gundaker). Dawn DeFuria, past District Governor was instrumental in getting District funding for this grant and Les Rosenwinkel (Chestnut Hill Rotary Club) were unable to attend.
Dr David Galligan and Margaret Leardi of University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine also attended.

Presentation of the check. From L-to-R are Dr David Galligan Professor of Animal Health Economics University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (UPSVM) and advisor to the project; Margaret Leardi, Director of Development at UPSVM New Bolton Center; Bonnie Korengel, Longwood Rotary Club; Corey Spies 4th year veterinary student Intern working in Gambia; May Lou Stockton, Upper Main Line Rotary Club; Mike Alofsin, PMB Rotary Club and Gundaker representative; Brianna Parsons, also a veterinary student Intern for this project and Carla Chieffo, President PMB Rotary and leading champion and coordinator of Rotarian funding for this project. Absent are Dawn DeFuria, who as past District Governor was instrumental in securing District funding and a representative from the Chestnut Hill Club.